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3 Types of Tooth Stains and How to Remove Them 

August 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bridgemill @ 6:09 pm
person with stained teeth covering mouth

Are you a fan of drinking a freshly brewed cup of coffee or tea in the morning? Or maybe you like having a glass of red wine with dinner or a cigarette during your lunch break at work? All of these things can lead to dental discoloration, leaving your smile with an unappealing look. There are also a range of other things that can cause your pearly whites to become anything but that. Read on to learn about three different types of tooth stains, what causes them, and what your dentist can do to help.


How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help You Progress in Your Career

August 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bridgemill @ 8:26 pm
person with nice smile at job interview

As we get older and begin showing signs of our age, so do our smiles. Though this is completely natural, a discolored, gapped, misaligned, or damaged smile can make it difficult for you to feel confident in your pearly whites. Cosmetic dentistry is designed to fix these issues with a range of treatments that either mask or repair imperfections. It may even be able to help you achieve success in your career. Read on to learn how cosmetic dentistry can impact your occupational goals as well as what treatments are available.
