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“Pass the Corn, Please!” Tasty Summer Classics for Dental Implants

June 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bridgemill @ 4:21 pm
Small social group eating outside and passing around plates of food

Have you ever looked around at a summer cookout, only to suddenly realize you can’t enjoy most of the food? Even small gaps in your dental line up can make certain treats difficult to eat, and while dentures can be handy, they’re not very powerful and can slip out of place mid-bite. Maybe the discomfort is so bothersome that you’ve stopped going to backyard barbeques altogether.

If you’ve been looking for a solution to your grill-side blues, look no further! Dental implants mimic natural teeth so closely that you’ll be able to say, “pass the corn, please”! For a taste of what your summer could look like, keep reading.

Corn on The Cob

Corn in any form can be pesky for most people, but when it’s delivered on the cob it presents special challenges. For one thing, it’s demanding on front incisors. For another, even after you’re done and return home several hours later, you’ll still find stringy kernels stuck between your teeth! Unlike dentures, dental implants won’t shift when you tug at kernels, and can be flossed just like natural teeth for convenient cleaning.

Rare or Medium-Rare?

Steak, pork chops, hamburgers, bratwurst – whatever grilled meat you prefer, the tenderness can be difficult for missing or prosthetic pearly whites to handle. They don’t pose problems for dental implants, however. This replacement option has incredible bite power, meaning you’ll be able to chew your favorite cuts as much as you need.

The Cold Won’t Bother You Anyway

Ice cream and popsicles might be nice and soft, but there’s a good chance the cold feels strange on your exposed gums. If dentures are shielding your pink supports, frozen delights could be the right treat at the wrong time, depending on how sore or irritated your gums are in the moment. Once your dental implants are placed, you’ll have the benefit of capping off your gumline without causing dental chafe. Just don’t get too excited. Too much sugar will still lead to gum disease if you’re not careful!

These are only a few examples of the foods you can enjoy with dental implant replacements. Once they’re fully settled into your mouth, a whole world of culinary delectables will be open to you. So pick up the phone and start your menu expansion journey with a dental implant consultation. Soon you could be saying “yes!” to that backyard barbeque invite!

About the Practice

Drs. James Candon and Daniel Carver value their patients and want them to receive the best care possible. That’s why they partner with reliable, experienced oral surgeons for dental implant treatments. These specialists will make sure your oral structure is ready to receive and support your prosthetics, so when Dr. Candon or Dr. Carver finish the placement, you can be confident about their stability and quality. To contact Dr. Candon and Dr. Carver, call their practice at 803-650-3925.

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