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Fluoride Treatment – Indian Land, SC

Providing a Protective Barrier to Prevent Decay

Fluoride is known for its unique benefits and abilities. As a natural mineral found in city tap water and various toothpaste brands, it is capable of strengthening tooth enamel as well as combatting decay. At BridgeMill Dental Care, we believe it is one of the most effective methods of preventive care available, which is why we’re always pleased to provide it to patients of any age. If you want to better protect the smiles of you and your children, contact us today to schedule an appointment with a dentist in Indian Land

Woman seeing dentist in Indian Land

Why Choose BridgeMill Dental Care for Fluoride Treatments?

Who is a Good Candidate for Fluoride Treatments?

Woman and child after fluoride treatment in Indian Land

The most common recipients of fluoride are children, as their teeth are still growing and are believed to be more prone to tooth decay. However, adults can also benefit from this type of treatment. If you are dealing with cavities more often than you would prefer, you may find it helpful to talk to your dentist about undergoing fluoride application during your next visit! It certainly will not hurt, especially if you are not getting enough of it through your tap water or fluoride toothpaste.

How Does Fluoride Work?

Child receiving fluoride in Indian Land

When visiting BridgeMill Dental Care, Dr. Candon will examine your smile (or your child’s) and discuss your normal oral hygiene routine. If you are showing early signs of tooth decay or have been the unwelcomed recipient of various cavities in the past, he will apply fluoride to the surface of your teeth. Once it hardens, it will create a protective barrier across this region to reduce the chances of bacteria and food particles attempting to penetrate your tooth enamel. It will also help to strengthen this outermost layer as a way to prevent potential damage (i.e., chips, cracks, fractures, etc.).

It is often best to wait at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything, as this allows the fluoride to seep into the porous tooth enamel. By receiving fluoride treatment during your regular dental checkup and cleaning appointment, you won’t be required to come back for an additional visit, and your smile will be better protected between appointments.