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Preventive Dentistry – Indian Land, SC

Comprehensive Preventive Care for the Whole Family

While it’s essential to have a consistent at-home oral care routine, there’s nothing quite like receiving a professional cleaning from a dentist who not only knows exactly what they’re doing, but can help you break down harmful patches of tartar, a calcified form of plaque that can only be safely removed at the dental office. With Dr. Candon by your side, you and your family are sure to feel catered to at your next routine checkup. Call his dental office to schedule a visit for preventive dentistry in Indian Land, SC today!

Smiling woman outdoors

Why Choose BridgeMill Dental Care for Preventive Dentistry?

Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Woman in dental chair during exam

Routine checkups and cleanings are the bedrock for positive long-term oral health. During your exam, Dr. Candon considers your teeth, gums, and many other oral structures for potential issues. He also examines your bite, making sure that it comes together in perfect harmony. His expert hygienist will conduct the cleaning portion of your checkup, removing plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth. Professional visits also confirm if your at-home care is sufficiently protecting your smile!

Learn More About Dental Checkups and Cleanings

Oral Cancer Screening

Patient receiving oral cancer screening

While it may sound surprising to hear a dentist keeping an eye out for cancer, oral and esophageal cancer are actually some of the most common forms of the condition in the world. When you commit to routine visits, you’re far more likely to catch the earliest symptoms. Early detection is essential for successful treatment, and Dr. Candon stays on the lookout for red or white patches, lumps, and bumps, or long-term sores, so you can stay on top of your prevention.

Learn More About Oral Cancer Screening

Children’s Dentistry

Smiling child in dental chair

Oral care matters at every age, but children, in particular, need special attention because their teeth are constantly developing. When you bring your child in for their first visit, which is typically around the age of one, Dr. Candon will briefly examine their mouth and help them get comfortable in the dental office. Initial visits are meant to teach you as well as your child the importance of oral health. He’ll also discuss treatments you should consider and oral care habits to teach your child as their primary and permanent teeth begin to erupt.

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Dental Sealants

Man receiving dental exam

Some of the most commonly used (and effective) treatments for your child’s developing teeth are dental sealants. Sealants are made from composite resin, which can be easily painted over the deep pits and cracks of certain teeth, including molars and premolars. Since these teeth are among the most vulnerable when it comes to cavities, we often recommend them for younger patients. Application takes just a few minutes and offers up to ten years of protection, so your child can learn brushing and flossing with added confidence.

Fluoride Treatment

Child receiving fluoride treatment

You may have heard of fluoride in the past as it has found it’s way into our public drinking water, the foods we eat, and of course our oral care products like toothpaste and mouthwash. This is because fluoride is one of the most important minerals for your tooth enamel. It keeps the many layers of your teeth strong and resilient against cavity-causing bacteria and plaque, which is the residue leftover from bacteria. We provide routine fluoride applications following your regular cleaning.

Learn More About Fluoride Treatment

Nightguards for Grinding

Clear nightguard on metal tray

Both young and old patients alike can suffer from an incredibly common condition known as bruxism. Bruxism is characterized as chronic teeth grinding and/or jaw clenching, two habits that can develop due to stress or simply having an uneven bite. If you find yourself waking up with tooth sensitivity or jaw pain, it may be time to receive a customized nightguard from our dental office. We make sure to create an appliance that feels comfortable and offers more protection than what you’d find in stores.

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I Have a Cavity or Broken Tooth I am Missing 1 or More Teeth I Want to Enhance My Smile I am Concerned About Bleeding Gums I am in Pain & Need Help I am Anxious/Afraid of the Dentist View Our Services